Gemini Horoscope

Apr 18, 2024… Geminis will likely feel deeply for others today — even more than usual. It will be easy today to identify with what someone around you is going through. Perhaps you see your own problems or experiences in theirs, as today’s vibe can blur the lines. Taking the time to listen and learn can be helpful, as your support can mean something important. Just be sure not to allow yourself to take their feelings on as your own. Allow your own positive energy to be contagious instead.

Today’s Inspiration: Delicate does not mean weak. Kind does not mean naïve. Generous does not mean pushover. You are allowed to be a pure, wholesome person. Don’t worry bout the negativity cast out by those who are jealous or filled with darkness. They just want to bring you down with them. Be the example they can aspire to. Being good in this world makes it a better place, period.