5 Landscaping Plants That Raise Home Value

5 Landscaping Plants That Raise Home Value

Are you looking for ways to add some extra value to your home? If the outside of your house is looking plain or worn down, you can spice up your property by adding a little plant life. Not only can planting some flowers and greenery make your home more valuable, but the pop of color may also help make you happier and healthier. Check out these five landscaping plants that can increase curb appeal for your property.

1 Butterfly Bushes

The butterfly bush is a low-maintenance plant that can survive in both warm and temperate climates. Typically, it flowers throughout the summer and autumn, and in the southern growing zones, it remains green all year around. This is a beautiful shrub that can increase your home’s aesthetic appeal throughout the majority of the year — and its delicate purple flowers are notorious for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.

2 Green Giant

If you want a plant for your yard that will offer a little bit of privacy, Green Giants have plenty of potential. These trees grow fast in warm and temperate zones, and because they are evergreen, they can add natural beauty to your property through the summer and winter months. A straight, organized row of Green Giants can also help keep the yard more contained and private, which is often a draw for home buyers.

3 Rhododendrons

Rhododendron bushes only bloom for a short time during the year, but they survive well in temperate and cooler regions thanks to their cold hardiness. They also stay green during the winter, meaning you shouldn’t have to look at desolate, brown stems during colder months if you live in an area where it snows. The flowers are large and usually bloom with eye-popping purple, pink or red colors that can have passersby gaping in awe during the spring.

4 Hostas

Hostas need a little love and care when you first plant them, but they can thrive in a range of climates. They are best-known for their beautiful leaves, which can come in multiple different colors and shapes. They tend to look best when planted at the foot of a lonely tree or among other plants. While they may not fit the style of every garden, they have a stand-out appearance you can use to your property’s advantage.

5 Nandina

Nandina is another low-maintenance plant that grows best in warmer climates, where it remains green all year long. Also known as “heavenly bamboo,” thanks to its bamboo-like appearance, this hearty plant’s foliage changes colors throughout the seasons and may serve as an attractive shrub outside your home. However, the berries it produces each year can be poisonous to animals and birds.

A few new plants for your yard can drastically improve the aesthetic appeal of your property, which can in turn make it more valuable in the long run. Having a higher value on your home could have a powerful effect on your decisions in the future, should you put it up for sale. You may be surprised by how much a few well-organized trees and flowers can change both its appearance and value.

~Here’s to Your Success!