How to Navigate Personal Injury Litigation

How to Navigate Personal Injury Litigation

Were you injured recently? An unforeseen accident or event can be a devastating blow, and the emotional and physical trauma can leave you feeling like a ship out of water. You need to take action to protect yourself and possibly get monetary reimbursement, but the process can be complicated. Here are some tips on navigating the litigation process.

Choose a Lawyer Specializing in Your Injury

Not all injuries are treated the same. For example, if you were injured on the job, you would need a workers’ compensation lawyer. For medical malpractice, which can be a more challenging specialty, a lawyer needs to have specific litigation expertise.

Find a legal eagle with a proven track record who will represent you properly. Keep in mind that not every attorney will take on your case. Be sure to answer their questions appropriately at your initial consultation. This will ensure the best outcome for your litigation.

Recollect and Write It Down

The hours and days following an injury can be a shocking and confusing time. If you have surgery or are heavily medicated shortly thereafter, it’s hard to timestamp and recollect events. For a successful outcome, you’ll need to detail every account leading up to and after the accident while events are fresh in your mind. Take time to sit and concentrate on what you remember so far. Attention to detail is a must. Names, times and the events that followed are vital to a successful litigation.

Negotiation Stage

Don’t try negotiating with the other party on your own. Always seek the advice of legal counsel before making any major decisions about your case. Retain a good trial attorney going into the lawsuit. One that can’t handle the art of negotiation could cost you your case.

Part of an attorney consultation will be how the injury has affected you thus far. Some things your attorney will bring to light include:

  • The monetary amount you seek.
  • Rehabilitation costs you’ve accumulated.
  • Medical bills.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Wages lost.

Once this information is collected, your attorney will process it and go over what he thinks he can pursue. This is the core information your counsel will need to build the case and present it to the judge and other parties.

Going to Trial

In a lot of cases, once the defendant and their attorney are notified they are being sued, they may consider settling out of court. This is what everyone generally wants as long both parties’ needs can be satisfied. The bad news about turning down a settlement offer and going to trial is that both parties could face a loss in court. The plaintiff could lose the case and the defendant could stand to suffer a huge financial burden, but most importantly their reputation.

Navigating through a personal injury lawsuit is complicated. That is why it’s important to work closely with a qualified attorney who’s confident in your case. No one wants to be involved in a lawsuit, but it’s there to help you seek financial reimbursement so you can move forward.

~Here’s to Your Success!

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