Top 5 Colleges for Engineering Majors

Engineering majors
Photo by Christina Morillo:

If you are passionate about math, science, creativity, or inventive business strategies, you may want to look into engineering for your college degree. Engineering majors learn the ins and outs of creating, analyzing, and problem-solving. 

If engineering is something you are interested in pursuing as a degree, here are some of the best colleges you can attend to enter this field.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

MIT focuses on research, education, and innovation. They work to provide its students with opportunities to learn, grow, and develop culture-changing technologies. 

MIT is the leading engineering program globally, making it the ultimate school to attend for engineering students. It offers the #1 best undergraduate program for engineering. MIT is among the nation’s most prestigious colleges, making it one of the more difficult programs to enter into.

Stanford University

Stanford is another highly prestigious school that offers a variety of opportunities to its students. This university is known for its focus on building entrepreneurship skills in its students. 

Stanford is the most competitive college in the country, making it incredibly difficult to get accepted into. If you happen to be one of these lucky few, there is no doubt that you will be well-trained for your future career. 

University of California–Berkeley

Berkeley is significantly cheaper to attend in comparison to other schools of its rank. The school is renowned for its activeness in technological and cultural change. 

Berkeley offers a wide variety of specializations within the scope of engineering so that their students thrive off of learning about their specific interests. 

Carnegie Mellon University

This school is another fantastic option for any aspiring engineer. Carnegie Mellon offers its students encouragement toward innovative collaboration in several different specializations. 

This university not only pushes its students to work hard, but also to play hard in their studies. Carnegie Mellon offers many interdisciplinary options for its students to open more career paths.

Purdue University

Purdue is another less expensive school that offers excellent education and training in the field of engineering. With 18 different specialties to choose from, the potential career possibilities are endless. 

Engineering is arguably Purdue’s most bragged-about major, making it an appealing option. Purdue has a higher acceptance rate, which makes it a better fit other higher-ranking schools are too challenging academically.


These colleges exist to give the best possible learning outcomes for their students. If you enroll in any of these universities, you will be on a positive track toward your future career. 

If you are interested in engineering, why not dream big with these programs? You never know what your future could have in store for you!

To broaden your options of places to study, consider our article 5 Mind-Blowing Places to Study Abroad.